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Caring for each other

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What practical things can we do to look after ourselves and each other is the question many people are asking as coronavirus spreads

Our Irish in Britain community is a caring one. Among our community we have many people who may be living on their own for whom a period of self–isolating indoors may feel especially lonely. 

We also have people in our community who do not have internet at home or are not familiar with how to order shopping deliveries online. Our Cuimhne team encourages community groups to ensure they have up to date contact information for community members. 

Telephone numbers, of course, cannot be passed out to people without their permission. But a simple friendly phone call from a volunteer calling from a member organisation can help reach out to people. 

A phone call checking to see if people are OK, if people would like to like to have a chat or if anyone may need help with arranging shopping deliveries or collecting regular prescriptions at this time can help bring us together as a warm and caring community. All this can done even where we may be following health advice to stay physically apart. 

A simple phone call can be especially helpful in looking after people in our older community who may already be at risk because of existing health conditions. For the many people who do not have family members they can be in touch with, our caring community may play a similar family role.

If you have suggestions or examples of how your organisation are addressing the issue of isolation during the coronavirus crisis please do share them with us so that other community organisations can learn for them.


Go to our dedicated online section for all our resources and information on supporting our community through the coronavirus health crisis.


Man with Iphone

Connecting in unusual times

Zibiah Loakthar, our Cuimhne Coordinator writes on the importance of digital inclusion, particularly during this time of social isolation.

Read full article here 



Caring for someone living with dementia?

Leaflet for those caring fpr people with dementiaThe Alzheimer’s Society and Exeter University have produced a really useful leaflet for carers.

Download HERE.