Heart health is a sizeable concern for the Irish community in Britain with clear evidence of higher, and in some cases increasing, mortality among Irish men and women from heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and stroke.
High blood pressure is one of the most common risk factors associated with heart attacks and heart failure. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, which is why is it often referred to as the silent killer.
The good news is that there are lots of things that we can do every day to improve our hear health, manage blood pressure and reduce our risks of heart disease. Our Green Hearts course has been developed to:
- Equip learners with knowledge and skills to promote lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension
- Promote awareness and understanding of optimal blood pressure management
- Equip learners with the skill to perform safe blood pressure recording
Everyone can benefit from learning about heart health, and what’s good for the heart is also good for the brain and our overall general health, so it’s a win–win! To find out about running this course for your business or organisation, get in touch with Marie at health@irishinbritain.org