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Irish in Britain partners with the University of Nottingham for analysis of the UK 2021 Census

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Irish in Britain is collaborating with a team of researchers led by the University of Nottingham to analyse the 2021 Census data.

  • Photo Credit: UK Statistics Authority

This research project will enable organisations and institutions across the country to update and integrate their understanding of the demographic profile of Irish communities and use this to underpin their future organisational activities. Irish in Britain’s Census Analysis Reports from the 2011 census have helped to inform the advocacy and campaigning work of third sector organisations nationwide.

The latest Census 2021 data will be released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) over the next year, a process that started on 28 June 2022, and will include statistics for age, sex and the estimates of households in England and Wales. More detailed data is scheduled to be released periodically throughout the next 12 months. Scotland and Northern Ireland publish their census data independently.

The team of researchers appointed by Irish in Britain will analyse these rich datasets, helping to understand and communicate the full picture of the Irish community and the demography of constituencies across Britain. Irish in Britain will publish a series of reports presenting and discussing data for England, Wales, London, Midlands (East and West), and Northwest.

These reports will analyse and geographically map Census statistics on Irish populations with regard to education and qualifications, employment, health and housing, also comparing them with other ethnic groups and bringing together the results with findings emerging from other research.

The team of researchers is led by Dr Alessio D’Angelo, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, and includes Dr Neil Kaye, Research Fellow at UCL’s Institute of Education, Dr Alastair Munro, Researcher at the University of Nottingham, and Professor Louise Ryan, Director of Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre at London Metropolitan University.

This experienced team covers a wide array of skills and expertise, enabling the best evaluation of the census data. (Find out more about the team carrying out the analysis HERE.)

Christian Zik Nsonwu, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Irish in Britain said:

"The census is vitally important for a healthy and informed democracy – guiding political representation, policy development, planning and administration of public services, and the allocation of key funding. The Irish community is one of the largest and earliest immigrant/minority ethnic groups in Britain and it is essential that we continue to be counted to guide our continued work with the community."

Alessio D’Angelo, Associate Professor in Public and Social Policy, University of Nottingham said:

"The release of new census data is a once in a decade opportunity to get an extremely robust and detailed picture of local communities throughout England and Wales, including Ethnic minorities. As previous experience demonstrates, working closely with campaign and advocacy organisations to analyse these data and disseminate findings among practitioners, service providers and other stakeholders can really make a difference in identifying and meeting people’s needs."