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Leeds Irish Health and Homes celebrate 25 years

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Our Community Development Officer Aisling McDowell reports on Leeds Irish Health and Homes 25th anniversary event.

  • Leeds Irish Health and Homes have launched a new logo on their anniversary
    Leeds Irish Health and Homes have launched a new logo on their anniversary

It was a pleasure and privilege to attend last night’s milestone event of Leeds Irish Health and Homes.  It was an evening of powerful and moving testament to community in general, but also to the significant and tangible impact of the work LIHH do. 

This was illustrated by a number of service users’ personal observations and stories, through the years to date. The conversations were equally reflective, discussing the organisation’s roots and the city’s extraordinary Irish diaspora history. This was illustrated by a video ‘A long way from there to here’, made up of a montage of photos, videos and testimonials.

There was an impressive and completely deserving speech about their work, delivered by Ambassador Adrian O’Neill on behalf of the President. The poetry by Ian Druhig and Teresa O’Driscoll was a unique and lovely touch, as Ian calls it, ‘a poetic Response to the pandemic’– they included poems from the new Corona Ceoil book. 

A strong sense of community spirit and resilience shone through the event. It was lovely to note also that most staff had worked for LIHH for a very long time, again testament to their commitment and to it being a great organisation to work for. 

In a beautiful touch. Ant said a special thank you to service users for entrusting LIHH with their care and dignity over the years.

You can find out more about the work of LIHH HERE.