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Sean Hutton leaving Irish in Britain

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Sean Hutton, our Policy Officer, is leaving the organisation on 28th June after more than 20 years with Irish in Britain and formerly The Federation of Irish Societies (FIS).  Sean is leaving to pursue his other passion of writing.

Irish in Britain enjoys a well developed national profile that is, in part, a direct result of much of the work that Sean has undertaken for the organisation, in particular his skilled persistence in helping to securing formal recognition of the Irish community within the census consultation.  This and other representations he has made on behalf of IiB and FIS represent the best values of the voluntary sector, and the team here at IiB and the wider community are deeply grateful for his contributions.

It is, by any measure, an outstanding legacy and we will be very sorry to see Sean leave  but we hope to maintain a valued association in the future as we  look to fill the considerable void his retirement brings.  Sean leaves with the utmost respect of his team, board, and member organisations up and down the country. 

The Irish in Britain team and board wish Sean the very best for his future endeavours and we will always consider him a true friend.