In fact, people of Irish heritage are more likely than any other ethnic group to carry the gene that leads to haemochromatosis.
It is a condition where a person absorbs too much iron from the diet. The extra iron is stored in organs and soft tissues and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Haemochromatosis is difficult to diagnose so raising awareness about signs, symptoms and testing is important.
The charity Haemochromatosis UK provides detailed information and advice about the condition. It has recently has launched a genetic counselling service for members, to provide support and advice to people about the family consequences of haemochromatosis. This follows their research study in 2019, which showed that many people affected by genetic haemochromatosis have difficulty in accessing specialist genetic counselling services through the NHS.
For more information about the condition download the Irish in Britain Haemochromatosis factsheet here.