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Halifax & District Irish Society

Visit website


Peter Timmons


01422 381055




Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA

The Halifax and District Irish Society has promoted and run the Halifax Annual Irish Festival for the last 22 years. We are currently considering our approach for 2014 as the regular venue of the Halifax Piece Hall will be closed for some years due to refurbishment. Watch this space for more information.

Luncheon Club

We also promote and operate a Luncheon Club and 2014 will see the start of our 10th year with this venture. We have over 200 members with average attendance of 75–80. A full buffet lunch is provided, there is live entertainment every meeting, a raffle and bingo. There is a free door raffle based on the door ticket number. 

Meetings are every 2nd & last Thursday of the month except in June, July & August; when there is one meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

There is also one meeting during December – dates for the December meetings are announce closer to the time. The cover charge is £3.00 per member and/or guest. 

Contact us for more information about how you can join.