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Irish Literary Society

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The Irish Literary Society


020 3903 0994




C/O Irish in Britain



The Irish Literary Society was established in London in 1892. Among its founders were W B Yeats and Douglas Hyde and other leaders of the Irish Literary Revival including Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker and Maud Gonne. Find us on twitter: @irishlitsoc

The object of the Society is to promote the study of Irish literature and allied artistic forms and to provide a forum for intellectual and social activities in connection with these interests.

Company Overview
Irish Literary Society based in London


We are a literary society open to members of all political and religious persuasions. The ILS monthly lecture series runs from September until May. The series includes the annual Noel O’Connell Memorial Lecture, which is run in partnership with the Irish Texts Society, an early off–shoot of the ILS. Lectures cover a wide range of topics, some specifically literary or historical, and some of more general cultural interest.

Play readings and ‘Original Nights’ – themed readings by members – have also been included in the Society’s programme; and members have the opportunity of gathering socially at the venue before and after meetings. The ILS committee is currently planning the organisation of London walks and visits to places of Irish interest to take place in the spring or summer of 2012.

With the development of this page, our website (coming soon), and a twitter account we are building an online presence to support the objects of the society.