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The Traveller Movement

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Yvonne MacNamara (CEO)


020 7607 2002




40 Jeffrey's Road, Stockwell, London SW4 6QX

Both, Irish Travellers and Romany Gypsies, (hereafter referred to as Traveller communities) are documented as the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in Britain today. It is estimated that there are 300,000 of Travellers in Britain although this is thought to be an underestimate due to their lack of participation in the census. 

The Traveller Movement (TM) was established in 1999 as a second–tier community development charity, following the recognition of a gap in service provision and the marginalisation of the Irish Traveller community in Britain. 

TM gained charitable status in 2003. Following a recognised demand and its capabilities TM expanded its remit in 2008 to include work with all other Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities in Britain. 

Through commissioning and collating research, TM has become the leading charity and first point of contact regarding Traveller issues. TM seeks to empower Traveller communities by campaigning for a new policy framework for addressing exclusion and discrimination. 

TM encourages Traveller projects and other interested service providers to use TM as a channel to collect and disseminate information on legislative policies and their effect on the Traveller community. TM also promotes equality, diversity and racial harmony for the benefit of all members of British society by encouraging others to understand the culture and needs of Travellers.