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Become a Cuimhne Champion

As a result of a successful funding bid from City Bridge Trust, Irish in Britain developed a project providing support to community groups and welfare organisations in London. We are welcoming community members to volunteer as Cuimhne Champions, helping to turn support and enable existing community volunteers to ensure services are dementia friendly and offer activities which are culturally sensitive and inclusive of people with memory loss.

This project is complimented by the fundraising activities carried out in partnership with Irish Post to fund the training and pay out of pocket expenses for the Cuimhne Champions.

Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds have been welcomed into the project and we have working particularly with retired older volunteers who have personal or professional experience of dementia and have a positive, enabling attitude towards people with memory loss and their families.

Our Cuimhne Champions receive training from Irish in Britain and the support of our team and Volunteer Co–ordinator. Volunteers tell us this is a really rewarding role, offering them the opportunity to make a positive contribution and impact on the lives of people with memory loss.

Read reports on our activities on our Cuimhne Champions blog

Would you like to find out about become a Cuimhne champion? Contact our Volunteer Co–ordinator or if you would like to look at other volunteering opportunities go to our Volunteer Hub