Cuimhne crossword
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Cuimhne crossword
Crosswords are great for keeping the brain active. This crossword has been designed by our Cuimhne team at Irish in Britain.
Now that many groups are creating activity packs to deliver to people who are isolated and perhaps do not have access to digital resources this can be downloaded and printed off.

| ACROSS | |
| 2 | Sometimes added to a glass of whiskey |
| 4 | Horses like this |
| 8 | If captured by a human this creature might grant three wishes in return for freedom |
| 11 | The meaning of the Irish word “milis” |
| 15 | Used for rowing |
| 17 | Musical instrument that is blown |
| 19 | Eating the leaves of potatoes will cause this |
| 20 | Irish recipe made with buttermilk, flour and bicarbonate of soda |
| 22 | Irish fairy tale |
| 26 | A common game in many Irish households in the 1950s and 1960s which involves a wooden board with 13 hooks mounted on the wall |
| 28 | Bicycles need two of these |
| 30 | The Irish word “craic” means this |
| 31 | Danny Boy is one of these |
| DOWN | |
| 1 | Sent through the post |
| 3 | Made of wood and used to make yar |
| 4 | A stringed instrument that you play by turning a crank |
| 5 | A plant that can be spun and then woven into linen |
| 6 | Musical instrument and symbol of Ireland |
| 7 | The colour of the sky at night before a sunny day |
| 9 | Irish symbol of love and friendship which might be worn as ring |
| 10 | Red roses might symbolise this |
| 12 | A shamrock is this shape |
| 13 | Cows may lie down at the sign of this |
| 14 | Use one of these to make some Barry’s tea |
| 16 | Cats like to sit in front of this |
| 18 | Traditionally eaten with cabbage and potatoes |
| 19 | Wooden stick used in an Irish sport |
| 21 | Something you might shout at the start of a race |
| 23 | Bronze horn |
| 24 | Another word for Dad |
| 25 | Ireland is an important fishing area for these |
| 26 | The colour of post boxes in Ireland |
| 27 | A group of workmates |
| 29 | Roses grow on this |
If you have any ideas of what could be included in activity packs do let us know!