Cuimhne Dementia Awareness Training Opportunities

Would you like your staff and volunteers to learn more about being aware of dementia?
Do you support family members or other carers of people living with dementia?
Did you know that learning about dementia is particularly important if you are working within the Irish community (because our older age demographic and other health factors increase our likelihood of living with dementia or caring for family and friends)?
Irish in Britain's Cuimhne team offer a range of training free to member organisations, from informal training to fully credited CPD training at levels 1,2, and 3.
We will be pleased to discuss how best to tailor our workshops to the needs of your group. Please contact Zibiah Loakthar, our Cuimhne Coordinator for more information:
This month, Dr Mary Tilki and Zibiah were delighted to offer training on Dementia Awareness to Club Eireann members, and members of Coventry Irish Society and Birmingham Irish Association.

Thank you Siobhán Gorman and Sandwell Irish Society for a warm welcome, to volunteers for delicious healthy refreshments and to all participants for generously sharing thoughts and experiences with the group, brilliant questions and lively discussion.
The day was enjoyable for all:
“Both Dr Mary and Zibiah were very engaging. The session has been a great opportunity to learn more about how the Irish community is specifically affected”
One participant reflecting on what they had learned said they now realise:
“There is a lot more to having dementia than memory loss and the problems people face”
Participants reported that our training has increased knowledge of possible signs and symptoms of dementia and the reasons that seeking a diagnosis. Discussing the barriers people with dementia may face in everyday life, we explored what it may feel like to have dementia.
People gained increased understanding of how people living with dementia may communicate through behaviour. At the end of the day everyone reported on now feeling more confident about talking with and supporting a person living with dementia.
People had a lot of ideas of actions to take beyond the session:
“Be more aware and considerate and helpful if possible”
“Talk and share with others”
“Be more thoughtful around people with dementia”
“Discuss dementia more often with our Club Eireann members”
“This will help to set up a group at Coventry Irish”
“To be more tolerant”
“I will now be more aware and consider how cultural issues are affected an individual that I am working with”
“Reinforce strategies carers/family members can use to support to deal with “challenging” behaviour
“will think of different ways I could communicate with the groups”
“if I come into contact with someone who has dementia I will be able to show more understanding of their needs”
“To learn more about dementia and be more confident about helping people with problems due to dementia”
“To find out more about local support and Admiral Nurses”
We are also delighted that some participants have told us they plan to make use of a copy of our Cuimhne My Story book at home or with a family member.
Congratulations from Irish in Britain to Bernie W, Betty H, John C, John M, Ed M, Elizabeth M, Emma M, Diana S, Gerry M, Liz F, Manisha O, Margaret M, Marilyn G, Marion M, Michael M, Sally C, Siobhán G and Sharon T for successfully completing our level 1 accredited training on Dementia Awareness.