January 2016
Cuimhne Champions Blog
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Congratulations to Beilul A, Carmel P, Cathy M, Christina M, Helen G, Mary B, Mary C, Moira T, Patricia D and Patrick O’D for successfully completing our Irish in Britain Cuimhne Champions training day on Understanding Memory Loss.
The training was held on 21st January 2016 at Haringey Irish Centre in Tottenham, with learning and discussion facilitated by Dr Mary Tilki. Volunteers and staff, carers and community members shared their own experiences and expertise within discussion and said the workshop was “very enjoyable” and “very informative”.
“this training should be for all carers and professionals who work with people with dementia”.
(Understanding Memory Loss Workshop Participant, 21st January 2016)
Thanks to support from City Bridge and The Irish Post, Irish in Britain is pleased to be able to offer this training free of charge to those supporting people with memory loss within Irish communities across London. We engage and support volunteers to assist Irish groups and organisations in London to develop accessible and inclusive activities and services for people experiencing memory loss and their carers.
If you may be interested in attending our volunteer training, or helping to organize a training session for community members at your centre, or have skills and experiences you would like to share please contact Zibiah our Cuimhne Champions Volunteer Coordinator on 020 3903 0985 or email champions@irishinbritain.org.