June Cuimhne Blog: Night out at the Irish Embassy
A round up of two events at the Irish Embassy held as part of Dementia Awareness Week in recognition of the Cuimhne project.
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Cuimhne Champions at the Embassy event during Dementia Awareness Week
Picture above: by the Irish Post, Cuimhne Champions Helen Gorry and Cathy McIntyre. They are soon to start a Cuimhne Group at the London Irish Centre in July.
Hats off to the Irish Embassy for hosting an incredible day of events to celebrate Dementia Awareness week on the 18th May, and to promote the work being done by the Cuimhne Irish Memory Loss Alliance.
The Healthcare Coordinator for Irish in Britain/Cuimhne project Charlotte Curran organised a lunch with Irish Embassy staff and service users of Irish in Britain living with memory loss, which was attended by Irish Ambassador in Britain Dan Mulhall and his wife Greta.
During the lunch, the Emerald Island Disc project, a Cuimhne initiative, was presented to those who attended. The project allows those living with memory loss to recollect their memories through the stimulative power of music. Their journey through life is then recorded with an accompanying booklet that can give those living with memory loss the self–esteem of remembering the positive memories from their life.
A special mention goes to the Ambassador Dan Mulhall and his wife Greta together with Ruaidhri, Leona and all the embassy staff who mixed free and easy, chatting with those affected and their carers. Everyone at the lunch had a peaceful and enjoyable afternoon at the embassy.

Dr Mary Tilki and Charlotte Curran at the Irish Embassy
Picture credit: Irish Post. Left to right: Dr Mary Tilki, Charlotte Curran and Rory Dowling from the Embassy.
Guests at the second event in the evening included policymakers, professionals, academics, and those from BAME charities as well as the Irish community in Britain.
Dr. Mary Tilki spoke about the Cuimhne strategy and how the model has extended to Community Action on Dementia – Brent (CAD–Brent) and peer support from Ashford Place and Kilburn Partnerships.
Dr Tilki also spoke of the positive contribution the Cuimhne project has had with the Irish community living with memory loss in Britain, yet there was an emphasis on the work still to be done in reaching out to those living with memory loss who would benefit from the Cuimhne project.
Finally, it was a great opportunity for Cuimhne Champions to come and enjoy food and drinks at Embassy. The champions give their time and energy to the Cuimhne project, and I know upon leaving the event they were delighted to experience being at the embassy and chatting with like–minded people from the Irish Community in Britain.
By Russel Harland
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