Think CO
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Zibiah Loakthar, our Cuimhne Coordinator writes:
With Autumn leaves falling off the trees and shaking us into the winter season, many of us stay indoors much more, turn the heating up and keep our windows shut. It is good to remind ourselves of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning at any time of year, no less now!
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can be toxic to humans and in large concentrations it is known to be a “stealth killer”. Confusion can be one of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Confusion can also be a symptom of dementia, meaning signs of carbon monoxide poisoning may be less quickly spotted in people already known to be living with dementia. There are also possible direct links between carbon monoxide and dementia.
Cuimhne Champions and I attended an excellent Think CO workshop by the Gas Safety Charity on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning which outlined steps we can take to reduce the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning, The workshop also highlighted the valuable role that those visiting people who may be housebound or spend a lot of time indoors, can play in protecting people from carbon monoxide poisoning.
A free Think CO e–learning course has now been developed sharing the key Think CO messages in an informative and interactive way. The course covers the sources, signs and symptoms of CO poisoning, how to help prevent CO poisoning (including getting a gas appliance serviced and all about CO detectors), as well as how your organisation may prepare and plan for a suspected CO incident.
The course takes about 50–60 minutes to complete, either in one sitting or more. There is a certificate to download after successfully completing it. It is targeted at people who visit vulnerable people in their own homes, whether they are paid staff or volunteers from any sector – public, voluntary, community or private.
All you need to do to access the course is email explaining that you have heard about the course from Irish in Britain and asking to register. You will be sent log–in details and the course is then available to use for free. A taster of the course can be viewed here.
This is a great tool for cascading key messages across organisations and teams. Many of our Irish in Britain member organisations arrange for volunteers or staff to visit at home.
This is a useful learning tool to raise awareness and help enable staff and volunteers visiting people in their homes to be alert to warning signs of carbon monoxide poisoning and strategies to support people to reduce their risk from this silent killer and potentially save lives.
Why delay? Please register today!