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Resources: Healthy Ageing

This page of resources will be regularly updated.

Social Prescribing: Enhancing Health and Wellbeing

Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses, and other primary care professionals to refer patients to a variety of local, non-clinical services that support health and wellbeing.

What is Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing recognises that health and wellbeing are influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. It takes a holistic approach to address individuals' needs, empowering them to take greater control of their health.

Activities and Services

Social prescribing includes a wide range of activities typically offered by voluntary and community organisations, such as:

· Volunteering

· Arts activities

· Group learning

· Gardening

· Befriending

· Cookery

· Healthy eating advice

· Sports

How It Works

Local agencies like charities, social care, and health services refer individuals to social prescribing link workers. These link workers:

· Understand individual needs

· Collaborate to create personalised care and support plans

· Empower individuals to manage their health and wellbeing

Link workers also support existing community groups to become more accessible and sustainable and assist in starting new groups by working with local partners.

Who Benefits from Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing is inclusive and benefits individuals of all ages, especially those who:

· Have one or more long-term conditions

· Need support with low-level mental health issues

· Are lonely or isolated

· Have complex social needs affecting their wellbeing

Learn more

Click here to read the NHS information page on Social Prescribing

Click here to read the NHS Social Prescribing frequently asked questions

Boost Your Strength: Simple Strategies to Prevent Frailty

One of the most effective ways to prevent frailty in older adults is by incorporating simple, practical strategies—such as increasing protein intake in their diets.

To make this easier, we’ve created a series of “Boost Your Strength” posters, designed to subtly encourage healthier meal and snack choices. These posters focus on small, practical changes that can help maintain and restore muscle mass and strength.

See and download the posters HERE.

Walking Football -with the Republic of Ireland Walking Football Association

Walking football is transforming lives by helping people stay active, make new friends, and enjoy the game they love, regardless of age or physical ability. 

It’s an inclusive, low-impact sport that promotes fitness, mental wellbeing, and a sense of community.  

Many players, like an 82-year-old member of the Republic of Ireland Walking Football Association (ROIWFA), have found a new lease on life through the sport, gaining mobility, confidence and social connections. 

ROIWFA, a vibrant member of our organisation, unites men and women of Irish heritage from across Ireland and Britain, all passionate about walking football.  

Since their establishment in April 2020, they have grown to around 90 members who come together to share in the joys of this unique sport. 


Their commitment to walking football is evident in their participation in numerous international tournaments, where they have played against teams from England, Wales, France, Italy, and beyond.  

Notably, at a tournament in Bordeaux in October 2022, ROIWFA’s over-50s team was the only side to defeat England, securing an impressive second place overall. 


Most recently (August 2024), ROIWFA organised the Limerick Festival of Walking Football. It brought together over 280 men and women players from across Ireland and the UK in an inter-provincial (and invitational) tournament. It has been hailed as a great success, the first of many that they hope will follow in Ireland. 

ROIWFA embodies the spirit of walking football, promoting both physical activity and community spirit. Through friendly competition, laughter, and support, they highlight how the sport brings people together and enhances lives. 

Discover how walking football can make a difference to you by connecting with ROIWFA today!  Email at 


Marmalade Trust: Combatting Loneliness Together

Loneliness shouldn’t be a taboo subject. By supporting one another, we can create a society where everyone feels connected.

As the UK’s leading loneliness charity, Marmalade Trust is dedicated to helping people build meaningful connections and fostering an environment where loneliness is openly acknowledged and addressed.

Their mission is clear: “To create a society where we recognise that loneliness exists and support each other to find new social connections.”

Marmalade's Approach

Marmalade Trust views loneliness as a natural part of being human—something we all experience at times. The charity works to reduce the stigma around loneliness, encouraging open conversations and providing practical support. By acknowledging loneliness and actively connecting, we can improve well-being and mental health.

Key Campaigns

Marmalade Trust leads several impactful campaigns throughout the year:


Christmas Cheer

This initiative brings people together during the festive season, ensuring no one spends the holidays alone.

Loneliness Awareness Week

Held every June, this national campaign reduces the stigma of loneliness through open discussions and community events.

Winter Companions

This programme offers ongoing support and companionship during the colder months when loneliness can be more acute.

Understanding and Support

Marmalade Trust helps people understand that loneliness is different from being alone. The charity offers resources to manage and overcome loneliness, vital for communities that thrive on social connections.



Explore the Marmalade Trust website for more information, resources, and involvement opportunities.

Support for loneliness:

Access the support you need when you're feeling lonely and discover groups and activities to help you feel more connected.


Help reduce loneliness in your community by volunteering with Marmalade Trust.

Click here to read our webpage on mental health help and support